Tuesday 17 May 2011

It's sick to wolf whistle a girl pushing a pram.

I'm not sure if you're aware, but in this country - kerb-crawling is ILLEGAL.  Yeah, so do you know Why that is?  Because it's perverse.  It's intimidating, immature and quite frankly sick.  Particularly when you're asking a kid to get into the van with you With the buggy.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm not a racist and this blog is entirely aimed at One man.  One man who I very much suspect is an illegal immigrant.  I mean, seriously, 'You - come in here - with baby - we fuck'. 
Does that sound like someone who speaks good English to you?
But it's alright - I have his registration number in case it happens again. 
I'm not joking.
You see, you might call me frigid, but I'm bloody well sick of it.  Let's be honest, here is how it goes: - Little boobs = Frigid.: - Bib boobs = Slut.  I mean?!  Who the Hell makes these kind of assumptions?!  Who the Hell can decide these things about a girl.  I mean, girls don't go around going: - 'Oh, he's got an errection right now, he must be a manwhore.'
Well, actually...
Basically, I'm sick of the attitudes men seem to have of girls these days.  And do you know who causes it?  WOMEN!!  The Women who swan around in bikinis in every advertisment, the Women who insist that it's perfectly alright to: - 'sunbathe topless' or to: - 'appear in a porn film', because it proves that they're higher up than men.  Well it Doesn't.  And quite frankly, women like that really piss me off because they're so stupid that they really do believe this.  No, no, no, no my surgically-enhanced ladies, it proves that you are a sex object.  It proves that you're a hunk of meat.  You can't think.  You're just there to be fucked.  Let's give you all a big hand at promoting the interests of women. 

This little blog has been a bit ranty, I know, but that's mainly because I'm so pissed off.  I don't want to live in a country where it's alright to kerb-crawl, I don't want to live in a country where guys can just grab my chest - be it at school or just out in the street.  I mean, think about it - would you like it if someone did that to your mum, your sister, your daughter? 

Think about it....xx